Become a Volunteer Naturalist!

Become a Volunteer Naturalist!

Interested in volunteering as a school field trip hike leader?Volunteers lead nature hikes for kindergarten through twelfth grade students during the fall and spring – late March to June and September to November. Field trips usually take places on weekday...
Nature Tots Preschool Series

Nature Tots Preschool Series

This 6-week class invites young children to discover the wonders of nature as we journey through the changing seasons. We’ll read stories, make fun crafts, and sing songs. Make sure to dress for the weather! Open to ages 2-5 with a caregiver present. Please note we...
SOLD OUT: Hike to Patapsco River

SOLD OUT: Hike to Patapsco River

Unfortunately this popular program is already sold out. We hope you can join us for another upcoming program. Bring a water bottle, hearty snack and good hiking shoes and join us for a long, scenic hike with naturalist Steve Wachs. From the Carriage House at Belmont,...